Hi everyone! After a LONG wait,
I’m super excited to be sharing my wedding photos (and maybe videos?) with you
and walk you through the day I got married! It’s a little belated considering I
got married five months ago, but really, better late than never!
I spent the past two days
reviewing the materials (gosh, there are like at least 600 photos from
different crews), organizing them, categorizing them, and shortlisting the ones
I want to share with you guys( definitely not today, since I have weak internet
connection). Well it’s been five months since my wedding, just reviewing the
photos and videos is instantly bringing back the memories. Feels just as if I
got married yesterday with Beby and I’m just so excited to let you guys in on
this special part of my life. :>
You know, there were often
times when I wondered if there was anyone out there for me at all. I would have
lengthy chats with friends as we lamented about love and life, but my end
conclusion would be that I, or anyone for that matter, had to remain hopeful.
Whether or not there was someone for me, having a negative mindset about love
wasn’t going to help me find love. I had to believe that there is a special
someone out there for everyone and it was by being positive and being my best
self that I would attract that person, whoever he might be. And he is the one,
though It took him almost 6 years and several rejections before he managed to
win my heart over. He titled himself as
“Worlds Best Lover” and yet to win a trophy. I will be awarding a trophy after a decade,(conditions, if he remain unchanged...) :P LOL
First we met at College in the
year 2010, and the next day I received proposal from him and I never wanted to
explode into his arms so, he became penlop several times, he agonized me to
accept him as well… but I was already dating. That was the reason why I always hated
his presence. Today I call my hubby as Psy..o and this name is the most
preferred by him. Later on he found out
that my ex cheated on me… He was back to me again and my heart actually opened
for him from last January, 2016.
Then, we spend hours on phone
texting and talking about our college life, history and he always used to say how stubborn I was
back in college. All I told him was, “I
changed now”.
On 19th January, he
texted me “I am still waiting for you to embrace…”
Timidly I replied back, “I
would love to!”
What he texted me next was, "I will never forget, 'Is that a yes?'”
I told him, “Yes”
Both of us was so happy that
night! Rest is history!
That’s, how we met :P :P
The ultimate proposal.
It was on 9th of February,2016
coincided with Bhutanese new year. He planned a picnic, where he invited me
along with his family at Bhurkhola in Gelephu. I was busy with all those
shopping’s to join new academic year. Told him that I can join after lunch only
and they patiently waited me. I was kinda blameworthy then. We drove to
Bhurkhola and we stood on the pebble near river bank , watching the pick
of sun rise over the river and listening
to my favorite songs. Not even for a second did I I was so taken aback when
Beby got down on one knee I completely blacked out! It was like a rush of heat
and a wave of uncontrollable emotion swept right through my body. I didn’t have
any words at first (me! no words!). I experienced mixed feelings, pure joy from head to toe? or I am scared? I pinched
myself to ensure it isn’t a dream. haha kidding aside. I considered myself as
the lukiest to have him now.
Two souls, one heart!! |
On Valentine’s Day 2016,
proposed for an engagement. Being engaged actually does feel different. There
is a sense of strength in us, a feeling of being further grounded but most of
all, it just makes me really lighthearted!
The ring itself makes me feel
very feminine (actually I was OGB , Over Grown Baby haha).
Getting engaged has been about much more than
the engagement itself. The rush of love from friends and family, plus the
support from all colleagues^^ you all has been overwhelming. The love being
poured into this next step of our relationship is incredible, and I’m so very
It wouldn’t have mattered even
if he proposed to me with the ring from a juice can; I would have said yes all
the same, because it is him I’m marrying, not the ring.
Marriage gave me sense of strength,
a feeling of being further grounded but most of all, it just makes me feel really good! |
I’m marrying Beby because he is
the love of my life and he is the person I can ever see myself with in this
lifetime and who knows, for lifetimes beyond, if fate begets.
You know after our engagement,
I shared with with my mother and sister-in-law. Our parents wanted
us to come home. They planned for wedding! It was a huge surprise, tiresome and
ad hoc plan aswell but it was a great success. If someone tells you that you need at least a
year to plan a wedding, they are crazy! We had few days and never felt like it
was too rushed. We just figured out what we needed to do and did it!
I left Dagapela(My village) on
20th Of February, I reached there on 22nd. My dad ordered 400 invitation cards
to be printed from Gelephu. “Ahhh, It is a big number’ stroked my mind. I ordered my wedding dress from
Silguri. Beby stayed back in Gelephu. I
know he have bitter-sweet stories to be narrated, but thing is he do not blog…
22nd and 23rd of February was
ground preparation at Dagapela.
24th we had hindu pujari(monk)
performing puja at home.
25th-27th khenpo and his team
from Dagapela lhakhang performed rimdro
(puja), guest reception ,mendhi day… aww!! It was tiring and I had
sleepless night for almost five nights.
28th-29th wedding ceremony at
Dagapela, BB and I exchanged our vows… I have his magal sutra as well…
1st -2nd wedding in Gelephu at
his village.
3rd -6th we went India for our
honeymoon and car maintenance as well…
And we were back to school, on 7th...
Smiling wide ^^ :P :P |
Our wedding was absolutely
perfect!! Our families from nook and cranny came around us and supported us and passed on their best wishes, more than we could have imagined. Our friends,
relatives, villagers, Tsendagang and tashiding gup, Aruna electronic, were also
so supportive and we had the perfect wedding days…
Being with him is one of the
best things that happened in my life.
Personally, I believe “if you
know, you know. why wait?” If God has brought the two of you together and you
know that you’re going to get married, don’t drag it out unless you absolutely
have to because for one, you avoid and help prevent temptation and two, life is
short , and three, life is so much better together! I don’t regret about my
decision.. I have such an appreciative godly husband (smile
if you are reading hehe ) and I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the
world. Till date kenchosum has been so good to us and I only hope and pray that
other young married women get to experience the love and devotion of a good
So many people have told me how
hard marriage is, but I haven’t found it quite that hard! Stressful sometimes,
but not hard, because I know Kenchosum is providing for us. My husband is my
best friend and personal photographer(
that was the reason why you didn’t see my selfie over social media?) hehe
and I have found marriage to be so much better than when we were dating( we fight sometimes, when realize, I would be
only the one who is shouting like a pop corn on hot frying pan, and with his silence
I would melt on that very pan like a butter)… It’s fun to grow together.
God has done so much for us and
has put it on my heart since day 1 to be a homemaker.
I am so excited to see what the
future holds for us!
PS: Every year we would be
celebrating our wedding anniversary on 28th of February. Do not
forget to send us your best wishes on that day… hehe.