A few weeks ago, someone asked me, "What does
happiness mean to you?"
I still don’t have a definite answer to that. To define it is very
difficult for me, although I think I know what it means... I
really can't explain.
Some of my friends are already participating in
Bhutan Photo Campaign, on what
happiness mean to them. I received a
message saying, you define what happiness mean to you by signing in and posting
photo/photoes. I still do not have any idea whether I can post only a photo or
more. I couldn’t log in since they are asking me verification code and I am
failed to receive code. Nevertheless, friends I will definitely going to login
and like your post. Smilling now?? Haha…I was mesmerized by your brilliant
caption of happiness with magnificent photo. The way you define happiness was
perfect and I am here to solve this rigmarole question haha :D as I couldn’t
carry the load of questions, so today, hammer of inspiration strike my head to
write and I am squeezing the juice of my brain to solve all my puzzlement about
what happiness mean to me.
My first thought is always that it might be all the small things in life that
make us happy. These things we happen to see at a usual day, like a genuine
smile, or some beautiful flowers, or laughing with friends.
Are we happy if we have a lot of joyful moments
in our lives? Is happiness the ability to enjoy these moments?
I think I'm happiest when: my student score best
mark in exam/test, I'm writing, listening to music, munching chocolates, eating
noodles, blogging and stealing little moments just for myself.
But isn’t these are rather joy than happiness? In my opinion, these are. So,
what is happiness? Again lots of question in my mind.
What I feel is happiness
seems to be a rather permanent state. When someone asks you “Are you happy?” it
is usually meant “Are you satisfied with your life?” rather than “Do you feel
joyful at the moment?” that’s how I understand.
But can happiness really be permanent? Is that even possible? If we were in
a state of permanent and infinite happiness, would we even know
we were happy? To know what being happy means, we
must also know the opposite.
Furthermore, humans seem to have infinite needs. Given this, can they ever be
perfectly happy?
Truly, I can't
imagine ever being permanently happy otherwise I'd be in paradise, and
everything will be so perfect. Yes or no? Happiness seems to be one of those
mystical things you either feel or you don't. It's almost religious in that
Does happiness mean is
something we have no influence on? Can’t we affect it at all? Does it only
depend on how lucky we are?
Or is it rather a way of how we see things? Does
it depend on one's ability to focus on the good things in life? Is it a
combination of both?
Is there someone in this world who is perfectly happy?
However, to answer this, first there should be an idea of what happiness is. If
it really is something like a permanent condition, happiness cannot be the same
as joy, because joy is not permanent, provided that there are not just ups but
also downs in life.
But then what is it that
makes us happy? Is that different for everyone; is it totally subjective and
relative? Or are there certain things in life that decide on everyone’s
happiness? Is it love, friendship, family? Or success? What about money?
In my opinion,
money can certainly make a lot of things easier and by that I mean that it
helps if you have enough to be able to pay for your bills and all the
necessary things in life without having to worry about it permanently. However,
I would never equate money with happiness.
I really don't think you need to be rich in order to be happy. Anyway, if you
had to be rich to be happy, the majority of people would never be happy
and this is something I refuse to believe.
So, maybe a sense of, I
am pleased with where I'm at. When something goes wrong my emotions change and
I become unhappy with the things that are not right, or with the thing that has
just happened, so that I can always opt for betterment and also what makes me
happy is just everything that makes me smile. Maybe it is indeed all the simple
things in life, or rather things that we too often consider as self-evident and
given and that are actually not at all simple. Things like having true friends
or a supportive family, or being healthy. Maybe it means to enjoy life and its
good moments.
Finally the definition
of happiness arrived on the spinal code of Rupa, for me happiness is like
being content with where I am in life at the moment, lending my supportive
hands to my students and students glowing with wisdom brighter than me…
Yalama You Finished
Reading My Passage? But you didn’t smile alright :)
Are you still pregnant
with questions what happiness mean to you? Clarified? Infact I am still
confused since I couldn’t squeeze my juice of brain completely to shrink lol
you so much for being with me.
A Nice Day :)