Maam Rima, Norbu Sir and Zamin Laekiii, nominated me for the The Very Inspiring
Blogger Award. I feel so honored that someone thought my blog was inspiring
enough to nominate me! Thank you so so much! It is a great start to the New
Year. I couldn’t response immediately as I was ‘full of activity’ during vacation
Norbu sir and Miss Leki, I have always enjoyed reading your great posts and
Rima maam, I admire your amazing photography skills ;) truly I am in love with your SNAPs
;). Congratulations 3 of you for receiving your blog award, you three are indeed inspiring
bloggers. Best Wishes for this New Year. You know it’s the blogger community
that makes me keep writing and let me to manufacture close relationships
between every one of you la. Keep Blogging. Looking forward to read inspiring post from all of you.
The conditions are:
1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you
2. List the rules and display the Award on your blog
3. Say 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate other 15 amazing bloggers for the award, link them and inform them about the nominations.
LOL these are the conditions that
I have to fulfill... haha last person indeed :P... It’s okay not to follow the rules
la :P I am providing you with an option J
I have already listed #21 #facts #about #me :p in my last post... seven seems too less LOL :P kidding aside.
- Now after I want to make merry to my small space, “Colour your life with crayons” on AUGUST 9. That’s her Birthday J
- At present I have 432 Google followers . M glad J
- “Annual cultural festival in our school” attained 670 page views. That’s highest till dateJ
- I have 257 posts in my blog, last published on Dec 20, 2014. It’s been long that I couldn’t give attention to my space.L TTT
- 'Love To Be a Stalker' :P Stands popular post today.
47 members joined my blog. Hoping for more entry in 2015 _/\_.
"Colour your life with crayons... Pink-Blue... are d best!!!" was truly dedicated to capital H.I.M :P... but now, he is no more existing in my heartL... hey Blue! be happy! M happy without you...
Following Blogs Are True Inspiration In My Journey
Of Blogging.
- Maam Rima Reyka at Overcome life.
- Riku at Riku Dhan
Subba's Blog
- Passu sir at PaSsu Diary
- Sonam Tenzin at SONAM TENZIN's BLOG
- Tshewang sir at Untold Stories and un-revealed thoughts
- Langa sir at Langa Tenzin's Blog
- Dumcho sir at Dumcho's NOTEBOOK
- Sangay Phuntsho at MY OPEN DIARY
- Zamin Sangay at Sangay Cholden's Random Thoughts
- Sherab Tenzin Dorji at Sherab Tenzin's Blog
- Monu T. at THE Abyss of Freedom
- Choki Gyeltshen at Journey with Choki G
- Sancha rai at Diary that never tell lies
- Norbu Sir at Norbu Wandi's Blog.
- Sangay Cholden at Sangay Cholden's Random Thoughts
- Maam Rima Reyka at Overcome life.
PlesanT EveninG AheaD!
LOadS oF lOVE tO yOU aLL ;)
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