Monday, May 23, 2011

Update Update Update!

Long time no update, eh?! keeps rolling and we've been having fun!  Here's some quick snaps to bring you up to speed...

Walking for life... M I hehe.  ;)
longest hair i kpt in my life lol... :P...

I love and Love... :P lol
Smile is a curve that make every thing straight :)...
Eww... wat a xpression.... :(... 
Without my dad n mum, my sights are all black and white. You 2 are the only person who bring colours to my life.
Appreciate what you have now, don't regret when it's gone.

Reharshing to drink beer and a chicken roast lol... www... nono... feel lyk puking... :(

m i cute??
... lol... :P haha... blowing mi own trumpnt... lol

Alright. I'm lazy to blog now.....
♥ ♥ ♥...

^_^ ............................. ^_^

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