
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ceremonial dinner with the Family of Samcholing :)

Hello friends, I'm writing with a very full and happy stomach and a smile on my face! 
We laugh when it beats upon the crest of life; we shrink in terror when it returns into the dark. Today, I beat upon the crest of life by sharing a great dinner together with a family of Samcholing Middle secondary school.
 I don't think people realize how important it really is to make the time to be together sometime and share the pain -gain of life! Its not that, we have to have a very especial and delicious food in front of us that gather us together but  the simple items will allow for people to bond as a family. 
 As, I already mentioned in the last post that our school organised khuru tournament and we have collected huge amounts. Maximum of the amounts were spent on stage decoration, worth of Nu. 50 thousands. Few amounts, we spent giving refreshment to the students and then last priority was we the teachers. So, school authority planned to keep a simple dinner for the staff, which actually was grand!
Let me share the menu of the supper!!
1. Neutrallea(soya bean) fried in-replace of chicken for we vegetarians.
2. Chicken
3. Beef
4. Ema datshi
5. Kewa dasthi
7. Dal
1. Juice for ma'am Rada, me and ma'am Shoba :P
2. Wine esp. for maa'm… LOL kidding….
3. Beers are for our toliest Sonam Yonten sir, Lopen Kinzang, dehydrated Singay sir :P

I brought something for you friend ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….umm the snaps and video of the day; hehe watch out!!!

Yoyo ;)

"Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away."

Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink LOL...

Teachers enjoying...

Let me not prolong my post beating around the bush; to brief my post. We really enjoyed the supper together.Thank you all for joining the ceremonial dinner. I wish the same gathering coming week LOL ;)
Good night dear friends!! J

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