
Sunday, November 17, 2013

National seminar…

Today, two days National seminar on Multi grade teaching and learning came to an end, which is organized jointly by the Paro College of education and Department Of Curriculum and Research Development; funded by UNICEF. The theme of the seminar was, “To promote quality education in our country.”  General director of ministry of education Tsewang Tashi was the chief guest on first day and His Excellency honorable Education minister Mingbo Dykpa was the chief guest on second day, accompanied by the representatives from UNICEF, education specialist, Curriculum specialist, Director of DCRD (co-host), members from DCRD, DEO’s, ADEO’s, principals and teachers from different schools, faculty members of Paro College, NFE instructor, students from multi grade schools and graduating students-teacher of Paro college of education attended the two days ever national seminar.
In simple term, multi grade means, teaching two or more grades of students in one class.
The main goal of multi grade teaching in our country is to achieve the goal of education for all.

  •  Educating for GNH( Gross National Hapiness).GNH addresses that if the child in the school are happy in learning, then that's GNH.(Karma Jurmy, lecturer Samtse College)

  •       Multi grade schools will also support and allow the over aged students to move in the higher grade.
  •   If there are less than 25 students; then only we can apply the multi grade class.
First day seminar started with the marchang ceremony and followed by the welcome speech by the director general Tubten Jamtsho, Paro college of Education. The day was beautified by the paper presenters from nook and cranny of the country. They presented the over view of the multi grade teaching in Bhutan, their experiences teaching in the multi grade classes, challenges they faced and views from the multi grade students. We also entertained with the delicious lunch. That’s the shortest over view of the first day seminar.
  Similarly second day, crammed with presentations from different multi grades specialist and question answer session, till lunch.
 After lunch, we received the chief guest His Excellency the Sherig Lyenpo. After that we had the merchang ceremony, followed by the welcome address by the director DCRD (co-host of the seminar). We the student-teachers are inspired by the speech given by the education minister. "A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others." This quote by an unknown author embodies every aspect of what every teachers at all School level do for each of their students.
We the teachers, plays a pivotal role, where the life of students will be revolving around. We are trained for four years in the college to become a good teacher. We are trained in different mode to handle students in different situation. Thus, Teaching has always been a big part of my life. Today I am ready to go to any kind of schools; be it high school or multi grade school, I  am sure that I  can handle it and I  am ready to teach them. I have always known that teaching could be a career where I can influence the lives of others.
When I look at each individual teacher, I try and think of  what has inspired them to become a teacher? It seems like each one has a different reason but it always comes back to the same concept. It's because they love what they are doing. They love to inspire and impact students. They have that true passion for their subject area, the school, and most of all their students.
To conclude, these knowledegeble seminar not only taught us about the multi grades teaching and learning, however, seminar also imparted us with the values needed in the live of teachers.
I  will upload the photoes later. So, keep visiting dear readers!!! :)

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